Friday, November 13, 2009

Twin-Super Amplifier Project - Start

In the following blog series I will document the construction of a guitar amplifier. The first step was to choose and amp. I was looking for a 20W-25W push-pull configuration - something Fender-y - something like a Twin or Super, thus The Twin-Super is born.  I used the building blocks found on the DIY homebrew amp site . They consist of a couple different power sections and maybe a half dozen preamp sections. The schematics, board templates and layouts are all on the site and are pretty good. I decided to go with a 20W push-pull power section and the "simple" preamp - I can always change this later on.

The first order of business was to order all the components. The site has BOM's (bill of material) for the various projects so it was pretty easy. I used Mouser Electronics , Hoffman Amps as my main suppliers for components. Both are excellent companies. For transformers I decided to go with Edcor . The two I chose were the CXPP25-MS-7.6K Push-Pull Output Transformer ($ 56.51) and the XPWR008 Power Transformer ($53.77). Their prices are reasonable, but, you can only order direct from them and it takes a month or more for the order to arrive - no big deal, there is plenty to do.

Here's some of the stuff I start with -  BOM, schematics, layouts, etc... all from AX84 and some parts I've received...

After all the components arrived it was time to get building...  first is to make the eyelet boards some of the components will be mounted on - but that is for the next installment...