Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Twin-Super Amplifier Project - Mounting Board Components

Next we move on to mounting and soldering components to the board.  Here's the layouts we are following:

The top is the power amp board and the bottom is the preamp board.  Mounting components is pretty straight forward - follow the diagram, insert component leads in the appropriate places and solder them in.

  Power Amp board without components    

Preamp board completed 

Keep in mind that certain components are polarized - that is they have a positive and a negative.  In this case, the large blue capacitors and the two smaller black caps need to go in the proper direction - they will be marked.
Solder all the components in as you go then when they are all in clip the excess leads off from the back.

One thing to note - there are usually connections to make on the backside of the board.  This board is no exception.  These connections are represented by the dashed lines on the layout.(see above)

And here they are...  also keep in mind that we will be making connections from these boards to transformers, tubes, etc.  Some would recommend we go ahead and place these leads on the board now, but I would rather wait and make the connections when I have all the chassis components mounted.  And so, that is our next step - preparing the chassis.